What Are Projection Queries?

A common situation... you have some large entities, but sometimes you only need to retrieve a few of their fields.

  • With projection queries, you can query the Datastore for specific properties of an entity
    • Get only the properties you need
  • Projection queries are similar to SQL queries of the form:
    SELECT name, email, phone, FROM CUSTOMER
    instead of:

Why would you want to use Projection Queries?

  • Efficient, lower latency
  • Cheaper to read: 1 small operation per each entity returned.
  • However: they can require additional indexes (which could mean higher write costs)

Examples of Projection Queries (Python)

Using GQL:

from google.appengine.ext import db
proj = db.GqlQuery("SELECT content, author FROM Greeting")

Using Query:

from google.appengine.ext import db
proj = db.Query(Greeting, projection=('content', 'author'))

You handle the results of these queries like a standard query.

Examples of Projection Queries (Python)

Using NDB:

from google.appengine.ext import ndb
greetings = Greeting.query().order(-Greeting.date).fetch(
         20, projection=[Greeting.content, Greeting.author])

Examples of Projection Queries (Java)

import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.PropertyProjection;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.RawValue;

Query proj = new Query("Greeting",guestbookKey);
    proj.addProjection(new PropertyProjection("user", User.class));
     proj.addProjection(new PropertyProjection("date", Date.class));        

Some Limitations On What Properties Can Be Projected

  • You can only project indexed properties.
  • You cannot project a property that also is referenced in an equality filter. For example:

    SELECT A FROM kind WHERE A = 1
    is not supported, but

    SELECT A FROM kind WHERE B = 1 or
    SELECT A FROM kind WHERE A > 1
    is supported.
  • You cannot project the same property more than once.
  • The entities returned by a projection query are only partially populated, so they cannot be saved back to the Datastore.

Projections and Indexes

  • An index is required for all properties specified in the projection.
  • So, projection queries can sometimes require new composite indexes
  • For example,
    SELECT A, B, C FROM Kind
    Index(Kind, A, B, C)
  • (So, even though reads are cheaper, the additional indexes might increase your write costs)

Will projections require new indexes?

  • You can look at index.yaml or the Index Viewer panel in the admin console: what indexes are your existing queries using?
  • You will need additional indexes if the properties in the projection are not already required for a composite index.
    requires the index:
    Index(Kind, A, B)
    Since A and B are already in the existing query, projecting them does not change the indexes needed:
  • (Any required new indexes will be autogenerated to index.yaml when you run using the dev app server.)

Generating and deploying the new indexes

  • Run locally to automatically generate new index.yaml entries
  • Redeploy, then give the new indexes time to build after deployment.

Reducing the number of indexes you need

  • Be consistent about which properties are projected, even when not all the properties are needed. This will minimize the number of indexes.
  • For example, these queries require two different indexes:
    • SELECT A, B FROM KindIndex(Kind, A, B)
    • SELECT A, B, C FROM KindIndex(Kind, A, B, C)
    • If you always project A, B and C (even when C is not required), only one index will be needed

An example (using NDB)

Suppose we have a model like this, and a standard non-projection query...

from google.appengine.ext import ndb

class Greeting(ndb.Model):
  """Models an individual Guestbook entry."""
  content = ndb.StringProperty()
  date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
  author = ndb.UserProperty()
  uprop = ndb.StringProperty()
  uprop2 = ndb.StringProperty()
  uprop9 = ndb.StringProperty()

  def query_book(cls, ancestor_key):
    return cls.query(ancestor=ancestor_key).order(-cls.date)
greetings = Greeting.query_book(ancestor_key).fetch(50)

An example (using NDB), cont.

The autogenerated index in app.yaml will look like this:

- kind: Greeting
  ancestor: yes
  - name: date
    direction: desc

An example (using NDB), cont.

But, we don't want to fetch all these properties! A projection query version:

class Greeting(ndb.Model):
  """Models an individual Guestbook entry."""
  content = ndb.StringProperty()
  date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
  author = ndb.UserProperty()
  uprop = ndb.StringProperty()
  uprop2 = ndb.StringProperty()
  uprop9 = ndb.StringProperty()

  def query_book(cls, ancestor_key):
    return cls.query(ancestor=ancestor_key).order(-cls.date)

greetings = Greeting.query_book(ancestor_key).fetch(
    50, projection=[Greeting.content, Greeting.author])


An example (using NDB), cont.

The autogenerated index in app.yaml for the projection query:

- kind: Greeting
  ancestor: yes
  - name: date
    direction: desc
  - name: author
  - name: content

An example (using NDB), cont.

What if we project on date, too?

greetings = Greeting.query_book(ancestor_key).fetch(
    50, projection=[Greeting.content, Greeting.author, Greeting.date])

No change to the index:

- kind: Greeting
  ancestor: yes
  - name: date
    direction: desc
  - name: author
  - name: content

Projection Queries and Multivalued Properties

  • Projecting a multi-valued property will not result in all values for that property being populated.
  • A separate entity will be returned for each unique combination of projected values that match the query.

<Thank You!>

JDO transaction retry example

PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
  // ...
  try {
    for (int i =0; i < NUM_RETRIES; i++) {
      // ...do the transaction work ...
      try {
      catch (JDOCanRetryException e1) {
        if (i == (NUM_RETRIES - 1)) {
          throw e1;
  finally {
    if (pm.currentTransaction().isActive()) {